Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Aidan felt warm this morning. I gave him children motrin and sent him to go to the library with miss Andrea until noon while I studied at home. He went home and straight to nap. When he woke up, I felt his body was really hot... I bathed him, and he felt better.
He drank his milk, then I fed him and Nadia dinner. Ammar went home late tonight, so we ate dinner ourselves first. Aidan ate real good, but he complaint his stomach was hurting him. I gave him a dose of children tylenol. He complaint his eyes were hurting, I had to keep rubbing softly his eyes, they were teary. Oh my poor baby.
I gave him a hug, put him in my lap, hugging him and kissed his warm body and cheeks... oh God, please take his fever away.
I always so worry when they got sick..... :(

Tonight, he slept with his daddy in the big bed, after vomiting before sleep time.
I could see both lying on the bed, and I headed downstairs to continue my study.

Nadia was way asleep after I read her 2 books, chapter books. She loves books so much!