Saturday, May 31, 2008

Starting to enjoy the TV

Aidan, the very busy body boy, finally got hooked on the TV, he only watches baby einstein series, then he would sit down, lounging on his bouncer.
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

New milestone.

On mother's day, Aidan manage to open doors. He got so excited and kept closing and opening the doors, both ways, pulling and pushing way. Atta boy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Potty success!

It's been 3 days, that every morning after milk, I put Aidan in the potty for number 2. He failed and he ended up pooping in the freshly changed diapers! Bummer.

Today, he napped so long and I was so worry that something had happened with him, so I went to check on him, the minute I got in his bedroom, he woke up and I was surprisingly so happy that he was okay (got a bit worry with him lately). I went to take off his clothes, and put him in the potty, and said : "sssssssss" to him, he laughed and sure enough, in seconds he peed in the potty!
YAY, Aidan!!!! Okay, now number 1 has passed!

He has been so happy right after woke up, we ended up going with bicycle ride, 5 big rounds around the neighborhood, another round with wagon, 1 round with the battery car, and the last one: daddy's big tractor. He didn't want to get off and enjoyed behind the tractor's wheel. He was so happy today. Atta boy!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Aidan's first playdate

Sometimes I think I am a bad mom in terms of treating Aidan compares to how I did for Nadia at her age. Nadia used to go to lots of playdates since she was 6 months old. Even until now, it's easier to arrange Nadia's play dates than Aidan's, so he usually had to tag along with his sister's play dates. I have been so busy and I just never arranged special playdate for Aidan himself. 

Finally I arranged to have Aidan play with other toddler his age. Luckily, it's Jack, the new neighbor who just moved recently. Jack was born only 7 days later than Aidan.

We went to Hudson Mills Park, and they boys had great time together. Like a typical 1 year old playdates, they didn't seem to play together, but they sat together and Jack hugged Aidan. 

I can tell Aidan's mood was pleasantly happy until the bedtime. No meltdown whatsoever. Although he had a long day today (he still had to play with the neighbor sitter, Alicia, he was completely in joy). 

His first own play date. Yay.