Friday, August 17, 2007

Baby bjorn going Ergo

Aidan is pretty heavy, I love wearing my child around everywhere rather than pushing him/her in the stroller. Traditional mom ? Yes, I am pretty much.
One Godsend baby stuff is Baby Bjorn. Great look, has lumbar support (I got the sporty one) and the baby looks great in it... I wore Nadia religiously on this carrier, Loved it so much.

For Aidan, it's a different story. He loves his baby bjorn, but I have pain in my shoulders when I carry him for too long like I did when I went shopping. So my awesome arborparents yahoo group suggested to get the Ergo carrier.

I went to the store, which was belong to one of the arborparents member, and she was awesome. I tried different kind of carrier, and I like Ergo the most. I feel like I becoming an urban mother with this fancy carrier. Aidan likes it... and I don't feel strain on my body. What is awesome, I can carry him in the back, on the hips, and in front.
Though I still in love with the baby bjorn, I am excited to wear Aidan around the house with this carrier.

I am now ready for traveling.

PS : I still can carry Nadia in this carrier.... it can carry up to 65 lbs compares to Baby Bjorn only up to 26 lbs, which Aidan will reach the max limit in no time.


Anonymous said...

pics of ergo?

Sari said...

Click on the header, than you will go to the ergo pictures.